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Git branches are simply pointers pointing to a specific command. 


Branch early, and branch often.


rebase in git


HEAD - symbolic name for currently checked out commit. always points to the most recent commit. 

instead of checking out to a branch, you could check out towards specific commit. 


Caret(^) - travels to parent version


Tilde(~) - travles specific number of parents 


git branch -f master HEAD~3 = =        move master branch to head + 3


reversing changes in git::

git reset - works great in local repository, going back to rewrite history


git revert  - works great for remote repository, git revert creates a new commit of the previous version, allowing you to push to other checkouts. 





Above commands should cover 90% of vcs(version control system) while 10% will help in more flexible precise ways.




git rebase -i HEAD~4, omit and pick 

use tag for version display 



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