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Media files note 1


CDN - a content delivery network is a system of geographically distributed servers used to transport media files. The purpose of the CDN is to host live streaming videos to users. CDN works like amazon warehouse. If closest edge server does have resource cached, it will deliver it to the user. If not, it will deliver the media by requesting to another network. (Think of it like globally connected highways for data).


Advantage of CDNS - scalability, speed, quality and security.


When CDNs are not needed - Small audience, limited budget. 


Every year people are abandoning traditional satellite and cable services and switching to live streaming.(favoring towards netflix over broadbands).


.ts, .mp4, there are various media formats and it can be bothersome and burden towards memory to have all these different formats available for end users. So came up with the solution of cmaf, making a universal media format for all media content. 


CMAF also provides low latency, by dividing original media file into small pieces called chunks. 



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