반응형 전체 글174 Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:androidJdkImage 위와 같은 오류가 보이신다면 아래와 같이 수정해서 빌드 성공 ! 기존 파일 libs.versions.toml[plugins]android-application = { id = "com.android.application", version.ref = "agp" } 수정 파일 libs.versions.toml [plugins]android-application = { id ="com.android.application", version ="8.3.2" } 결과는...빌드 성공! 참고 자료 : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69619829/could-not-resolve-all-files-for-configuration-appandroidjdkimage 2025. 2. 27. AWS SAA Solutions Architect Associate 시험 합격 후기 (시험 준비, 온라인 시험 준비) 제가 SAA 시험을 준비한 과정, 공부 방법 그리고 시험 후기까지 정리하고자 합니다 ! 제 경험담으로 대략적인 시험 준비 방법 프로세스를 알아가셔서 도움되었으면 합니다 :) 0. 개요 (시험 신청 방법) 저는 먼저 SAA를 2024년도 말에 시험을 보려고 했스나 회사 프로젝트등 공부할 시간이 없어서 시험을 미뤘습니다 (2025년 2월까지 ㅎㅎ) 시험은 총 2번 미룰 수 있으며, 2회 이상시 시험을 취소하고 다시 신청하시면 됩니다 시험 신청은 아래 링크 통해서 들어가시면 됩니다 https://aws.amazon.com/ko/certification/certified-solutions-architect-associate/ AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associa.. 2025. 2. 26. [TEST1] AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate notes 1. AWS Storage gateway (design cost-optimized architectures) - File Gateway : NFS based access - Volume Gateway : iSCSI block storage - Tape Gateway : backups to cloud, NFS X 2. cloudfront, global accelerator (design high-performing architectures) A. AWS Global Accelerator - uses aws global network - Good for non Http use cases like udp, mqtt - latency, throughtput better than public inter.. 2025. 2. 3. Walnut Walnut Cookies Price Menu Components Today, I stopped by Yongsan I-Park Mall and there was a bok walnut nearby~So I went to Bokhodu right away!I ate my first walnut cookie from Cheonan, and the Bokwalnut walnut cookie from Cheonan is just as delicious!I'll go and read the detailed review~ LocationPlease refer to the map below for the address of Bokhodu!Bokhodu Shinyoungsan Station Branch is located right next to Yongsan Station.. 2024. 11. 17. Visit to Bob Plus Sangam KBS Media Center (menu, prices) I enjoy eating Korean food buffets for lunch and dinner near my work place I've found out there is a Bob Plus Sangam branch nearby for lunch near my workplace!! I went to Bob Plus today as a lunch menu recommendation :)LocationBob Plus is located on the first basement level of the KBS Media Center building. When I arrived at around 11ish am, there was no line but the line got really long starti.. 2024. 11. 15. [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 12 : Amazon S3 Introduction) 2024년 SAA-C03 자격증 준비하면서 필요한 노트 정리했습니다 강의는 유데미 "Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03" 통해 공부했습니다 https://www.udemy.com/course/aws-certified-solutions-architect-associate-saa-c03 같이 공부해서 합격해보자구요 ! Section 12 : Amazon S3 introduction127. S3 overview s3 allows poeple to store objects/files in buckets/directoriesbuckets must have globally unique name s3 is a global service but.. 2024. 10. 7. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 29 다음 반응형