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[AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 5 : EC2 Fundamentals)(2)



2024년 SAA-C03 자격증 준비하면서 필요한 노트 정리했습니다 


강의는 유데미 "Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03" 통해 공부했습니다 



같이 공부해서 합격해보자구요 ! 


Section 5 : EC2 Fundamentals

30. EC2 Basics 

  • Elastic Compute Cloud = Infrastructure as a Service
    • Virtual machine = ec2 
    • Storing data on a virutal drvie = ebs 
    • Distributing load across machines = elb 
    • Scaling the services using an auto-scaling group = asg
  • core ec2 settings
    • os
    • compute power & cores = cpu 
    • ram 
    • network attached = ebs & efs 
    • hardware = ec2 instance store 
    • firewall rules 
  • bootstrapping means launching commands when a machine starts 

free-tier로 공부중이면 t2.micro 사용하면 되겠네요 ㅎㅎ



32. Create an EC2 instance ...


33. EC2 Instance types Basics 

  • Instance naming conventions 



  • General Purpose -> a balance between compute, memory and networking 
    • t2.micro free-tier eligible instance is a general purpose type instance



  • Compute Optimized -> great for compute intensive tasks
    • batch processing workloads
    • media transcoding
    • high performance web servers
    • dedicated gaming servers




  • Memory optitmized -> fast performance that needs large data sets in memory 
    • high performance, relational/non-relational databases
    • web scale cache stores 



  • Storage Optimized -> great for storage -intensive tasks that require high sequential read and write access to large data sets on local storage 
    • relational & nosql db 
    • cache for in-memory db (redis)



34. Security Groups & Classic Ports Overview 

  • Fundamental of network security in AWS
  • controls how traffic is allowed in or out of ec2 instances 

  • Regulates
    • ports 
    • ip range ipv4 & ipv6
    • control inbound, outbound network 
  • can be attached to multiple instances 
  • it's good to maintain one seperate security group for ssh acess 
  • if it's a time out related issue, it's mostly likely to be a security issue 
  • if you receive an error like connection refused, it is an application error which means there is no security issue 
  • all inbound traffic is blocked by default
  • all outbound traffic is authorized by default 

42. EC2 Instance Roles Demo 

  • Instance -> action -> security -> modify iam roles 여기서 role 인스터스별 부여할 수 있음 



43. EC2 Instance Purchasing Options

  • There are quiet a few purchasing options available for ec2 
    • On-Demand Instances - predictable pricing, pay by sec
    • Reserved - long workloads
    • Savings Plans - commitment to an amount of usage 
    • Spot Instances - short workloads, cheap but can lose instances
    • Dedicated Hosts - book an entire physical server, control instance placement
    • Dedicated Instances - no other customers will share your hardware
    • Capacity Reservations - reserve capacity in a specific AZ for any duration 


  • EC2 on demand
    • pay for what you use 
      • linux & windows = pay by the second
      • all other = pay by the hour  
    • has the highest cost but no upfront payment 
  • EC2 reserved instances 
    • up to 72% discount 
    • reservation period = 1 year(+) or 3 year(++)
    • payment options = no upfront (+) , partial (++) , all unfront (+++)
    • You cna buy and sell in the instance at Reserved Instance Marketplace
    • there is also a convertible reserved instance
      • can change os, instance type etc 
      • but discount is less than regular reserved instance, up to 66%
  • EC2 Savings Plans 
    • Long term usage like ec2 reserved
    • commit to a certain type of usage 
      • 10$ per hour for 1 or 3 years 
    • Locked to a instance family & region 
    • Flexible at instance size, os and tenancy 
  • EC2 Spot Instances 
    • discount of up to 90%
    • can lose the instance at any time 
    • useful for workloads that are resilient to failure 
      • batch jobs
      • data analysis 
      • image processing 
    • most cost-efficient 
  • EC2 Dedicated hosts 
    • A physical server fully dedicated to your use 
    • the most expensive option 
    • compliance requirements and use your existing server-bound software licenses
    • BYOL ( Bring your own license)
  • EC2 Dedicated Instances 
    • Instances run on hardware that's dedicated to you 
    • May share the hardware with other instances 
  • EC2 Capacity Reservations 
    • On-Demand instances capacity in a specific AZ for any duration 
    • chaged at on-demand rate, whether instance is running or not 
    • suitable for short-term, uninterrupted workloads that needs to be in a specific AZ


헷갈릴수도 있는 부분을 좋은 예시로 설명해주신거 같네요, 이렇게 예시 설명하니 머리속에 잘들어오네요 ㅎㅎ
Billing 예시 입니다 !


44. Spot Instances & Spot Fleet 

  • Up to 90% discount, instance is usable up until spot price > max price setting 
  • When goes over the limit, you can either choose to stop or terminate your instance within 2 minute given time 
  • Spot fleets are best option since spot fleet allows us to automatically request spot instances with lowest prices 
  • Spot fleet strategies allocating spot instances : lowest price, diversified, capacity optimized, price capacity optimized 
  • spot fleets are set of spot instances & optionally on-demand instances 


Ex questions : you're planning to migrate on-premise to aws, company has strict requirements requiring to run on dedicated servers, also need to use your own server bound software. 

A : dedicated hosts




같이 파이팅해서 합격해봅시당 ㅎㅎ 

저는 24년 10월 중순에 시험 볼 예정입니다 ! (후기 남기도록 하겠습니다 후후)


AWS Section  URL 
Section 3 : Getting Started with AWS
Section 4 : IAM & AWS CLI
2024.08.30 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 3 : Getting Started with AWS & Section 4 : IAM & AWS CLI)(1)
Section 5 : EC2 Fundamentals 2024.09.01 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 5 : EC2 Fundamentals)(2)
Section 6 : EC2 - Solutions Architect Associate level 2024.09.04 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 6 : EC2 - Solutions Architect Associate level)(3)
Section 7 : EC2 Instance Storage 2024.09.04 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 7 : EC2 Instance Storage)(4)
Section 8 : High Availability and Scalability : ELB & ASG 2024.09.09 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 8 : High Availability and Scalability : ELB & ASG)(5)
Section 9 : AWS Fundamentals : RDS + Aurora + ElastiCache 2024.09.12 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 9 : AWS Fundamentals : RDS + Aurora + ElastiCache)(6)



(제 맛집 블로그에용 놀러오세용 ㅎㅎ)


토니이츠얼랏 : 네이버 블로그

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