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[AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 6 : EC2 - Solutions Architect Associate level)(3)



2024년 SAA-C03 자격증 준비하면서 필요한 노트 정리했습니다 


강의는 유데미 "Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03" 통해 공부했습니다 



같이 공부해서 합격해보자구요 !

Section 6 : EC2 - Solutions Architect Associate level

46. Private vs Public vs Elastic IP

  • ipv4 = most common format used online
  • ipv4 is used mostly over iot 
  • public ip 는 public ip끼리 // private ip는 내부, private ip끼리 통신 가능 
  • public ip must be unique, is accessible by www internet 
  • elastic ip = if you need have a fixed public ip for your instance, use elastic ip 
  • you can have only 5 elastic ip per account, try to avoid uisng elastic ip
  • use random public ip and register dns / load balancer 




48. EC2 Placement Groups 

  • control over ec2 instance placement strategy 
  • cluster - clusters instances into a low-latency group in a single availability zone 
  • spread - spreads instances across underlying hardware = ex.critical application
  • partition - spreads instance across many different partitions 
  • Placement Groups : Cluster
    • Same AZ 
    • great network very low latency between each instances 
    • if az fails, all instances will fail 
    • use cases : big data jobs, low latency 
  • Placement Groups : Spread
    • spread across az 
    • different hardware for each instance 
    • limited to 7 instances per az per placement group 
    • use cases : high availability, critical applications, if one fails it will not effect other instances 
  • Placement Groups : Partition 
    • Partitions safe from rack failure
    • can span across multiple azs 
    • up to 100s of ec2 
    • partitions do not share same rack 
    • if one partition goes down, other partitions are safe 
    • use cases : big data applications, cassandra, kafka 

50. Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI)

  • logical component in a VPC representing a virtual network card 
  • can create eni independently and attach them on the fly on ec2 failover
  • bound to a specific az
  • when are ENI used ? eni allows instances to be attached to different subnets + allowing for cheap high availability for instances where one instance fail, you can assign the eni to another instance. 

53. EC2 Hibernate 

  • ec2 stop - data on disk(ebs) is kept intact 
  • ec2 terminate - ebs volumes are set-up to be destroyed and lost 
  • on starting instance, steps are 
    • os boots 
    • ec2 user data script is run 
    • os boots up 
    • application starts
    • caches take in place 
  • ec2 hibernate - ram state is preserved, instance boot is very fast, root ebs volumes must be encrypted 
  • use cases - long running prcoesses, saving the ram state 
  • can not be hibernated more than 60 days



같이 파이팅해서 합격해봅시당 ㅎㅎ 

저는 24년 10월 중순에 시험 볼 예정입니다 ! (후기 남기도록 하겠습니다 후후)



AWS Section  URL 
Section 3 : Getting Started with AWS
Section 4 : IAM & AWS CLI
2024.08.30 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 3 : Getting Started with AWS & Section 4 : IAM & AWS CLI)(1)
Section 5 : EC2 Fundamentals 2024.09.01 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 5 : EC2 Fundamentals)(2)
Section 6 : EC2 - Solutions Architect Associate level 2024.09.04 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 6 : EC2 - Solutions Architect Associate level)(3)
Section 7 : EC2 Instance Storage 2024.09.04 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 7 : EC2 Instance Storage)(4)
Section 8 : High Availability and Scalability : ELB & ASG 2024.09.09 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 8 : High Availability and Scalability : ELB & ASG)(5)
Section 9 : AWS Fundamentals : RDS + Aurora + ElastiCache 2024.09.12 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 9 : AWS Fundamentals : RDS + Aurora + ElastiCache)(6)


(제 맛집 블로그에용 놀러오세용 ㅎㅎ)


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