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The Shawshank Redemption review



I figured I would give myself some time off by watching some movies.


Contains Spoiler!


Protagonist in this story is Andy Dufrense played by Tim Robbins, a young person with many talents at that age and a position as a vice president in the bank. He was trialed for murder for his wife and her affair golf player. Andy was sentenced to prision and while inside, he meets Red, a man who can get things for him, and gets him an rock hammer. Andy gets on the good books with the Warden and Captain Hadley for doing taxes for them. 


I think the movies moral point is this: 


A man needs to have hope in any given situation, do not give up. Although unfairly sentenced to prison, Andy did not give up hope and with rock hammer carved a hole through the wall that would take 19 years for him to achieve. Along the way he did things that would remind him of his self value to keep sanity. Doing taxes for the guards, building a library, teaching a kid for a high school qualification exam all were not only done for good reasons but for himself as well. 


A movie I needed for myself in current situation. I graduated with a Chinese degree because I loved the feeling living abroad. After graduating, I realized I don't want to pursue a career where a language is a sole dependent cause like service industry. Realizing what I wanted to do, I studied coding. It has been about 8months now since I have taken this journey, and finding a job I want has not been easy. Have been through a lot of interviews and frankly companies I want to work for has not given a positive feedbacks. There will be and will always will be bumps and obstacles along the roads. But I know what I want to achieve and do, and like Andy, I should always have hope and constancy with discipline is key.
