
2024년 SAA-C03 자격증 준비하면서 필요한 노트 정리했습니다
강의는 유데미 "Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03" 통해 공부했습니다
같이 공부해서 합격해보자구요 !

Section 11 : Classic Solutions Architecture Discussions
123. MyWordPress.com
- Stateful web app
- requirements
- fully scalable wordpress website
- website to access and correctly display picture uploads
- user data, blog content should be store in mysql db
1st step
- multi az elb -> auto scaling group with 3 different az
- used route 53 with alias group
- rds is used with multi az
- as for images, we can store images at amazon ebs volume
Pros :
- all the pros from previous architecture is maintained
- rds is used with multi az
Cons :
- problem starts to arise once we start scaling, ec2 is connected to ebs volume so if image is stored at ec2 a, the image will be available only at the ec2 a
2nd step (ebs -> efs)
- efs, network drive
- ec2 is connected to eni and will be allowed to connect to efs to store images across all ec2 instances
Pros :
- all ec2 instances will be able to access image
Cons :
To summarize
- aurora db have easy multi-az and read-replicas
- sotring data in ebs (single instance application suitable)
- vs storing dat ain efs (across other isntances)
같이 파이팅해서 합격해봅시당 ㅎㅎ
저는 24년 10월 중순에 시험 볼 예정입니다 ! (후기 남기도록 하겠습니다 후후)
토니이츠얼랏 : 네이버 블로그
너무너무너무 많이 먹는 토니입니당 :)
