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AWS/SAA Scenarios

[AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 11 : Classic Solutions Architecture Discussion)(8-1)


2024년 SAA-C03 자격증 준비하면서 필요한 노트 정리했습니다 


강의는 유데미 "Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03" 통해 공부했습니다 



같이 공부해서 합격해보자구요 !


Section 11 : Classic Solutions Architecture Discussions

121. WhatsTheTime.com

  • Stateful Web app
  • requirements
    • allows people to know what time it is 
    • db no required
    • start small, accept downtime 
    • but eventually full scale vertically & horizontally and no downtime 


1st step 

  • create a public ec2 (t2 micro)
  • create a elastic ip address so ip does not change 


  Pros : 

  • users are now able to access the site 

  Cons : 

  •  traffic starts to increase, one t2 instance is starting to be overwhelmed


2nd step

  • decide to vertically increase from t2 -> m5 


  Pros : 

  • current traffic is being handled smoothly thanks to increasing the ec2 spec 

  Cons : 

  • downtime happens while changing instance from t2 to m5 
  • because of the downtime, users raised a voc complain why no internet   >:O


3rd step

  • Traffic is increasing more and more, decided to scale out horizontally by creating more instances manually and assigning each instance a elastic ip 


  Pros : 

  • traffic is handled smoothly 

  Cons : 

  • but because new instances are created with different elastic ip, each users must know specific elastic ip address in order to access the instances 
  • The developer has to be aware of each instance status and have to manually create new instances and new elastic ip address every time traffic becomes more and more 



4th step

  • Only 5 elastic ip address is assigned per region per account, so removing elastic ip addres, create a route 53
    • api.whatisthetime.com dns 
    • A record 
    • TTL 1 hour 


  Pros : 

  • Users does not have know ip address for each instance, and dns name is easy to remember 

  Cons : 

  • If traffic decreases and scale in, once instance is going, user cannot access other instance until sometimes up to 1 hour, because ttl is 1 hour
  • Why site down >:O to some user but other users can access the site 


5th step

  • Let's add a load balancer
  • previously all ec2 were public, now we can move them to private 
  • create a elb + health checks, if instance is down, elb will stop sending traffic to down instance 
  • since load balancer ip changes, we have to change a record to alias record 


  Pros : 

  • Downtime does not happen because of elb health checks 

  Cons : 

  • while great, instance are still being added and removed manually by developers :( 


6th step

  • Let's add a auto-scaling group 
  • auto scalin group will control the number of ec2, scale in and scale out when required 


  Pros : 

  • Wow every thing works perfectly ! no need for manual work 

  Cons : 

  • A problem occurred, an earthquake happened and availability zone goes down, since we didnt prepare in advance, we simply put all the system at one availability zone 
  • Everything is down, users are frustrated >:O


7th step

  • Let's make our app multi-az  
  • highly available 
  • elb on az 1, 2, 3
  • auto scaling group on three different az region 


  Pros : 

  • Highly available, resilient to failure 

  Cons : 

  • now system is highly available, but cost wise is not considered 


8th step

  • only start up instances that are required let's say maximum of two while traffic is low
  • if traffic increases then auto scale out increase by selecting on demand or spot on instances 


  Pros : 

  • Highly available, resilient to failure 

  Cons : 






  • public vs private ip and ec2 instances 
  • elastic ip vs route 53 vs load balancers 
  • route 53 ttl, a record & alias records 
  • manual ec2 instance vs auto sclaing groups 
  • multi az for disasters 
  • elb health checks 
  • security group rules 
  • save costs when possible 



같이 파이팅해서 합격해봅시당 ㅎㅎ 

저는 24년 10월 중순에 시험 볼 예정입니다 ! (후기 남기도록 하겠습니다 후후)



AWS Section  URL 
Section 3 : Getting Started with AWS
Section 4 : IAM & AWS CLI
2024.08.30 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 3 : Getting Started with AWS & Section 4 : IAM & AWS CLI)(1)
Section 5 : EC2 Fundamentals 2024.09.01 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 5 : EC2 Fundamentals)(2)
Section 6 : EC2 - Solutions Architect Associate level 2024.09.04 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 6 : EC2 - Solutions Architect Associate level)(3)
Section 7 : EC2 Instance Storage 2024.09.04 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 7 : EC2 Instance Storage)(4)
Section 8 : High Availability and Scalability : ELB & ASG 2024.09.09 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 8 : High Availability and Scalability : ELB & ASG)(5)
Section 9 : RDS + Aurora + ElastiCache 2024.09.12 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 9 : AWS Fundamentals : RDS + Aurora + ElastiCache)(6)
Section 10 : Route 53 2024.09.19 - [AWS/SAA] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 10 : Route 53)(7)
Section 11 : Classic Solutions Architecture Discussion 2024.09.27 - [AWS/SAA Scenarios] - [AWS/SAA] Solutions Architect Associate 자격증 준비 (SAA)(Section 11 : Classic Solutions Architecture Discussion)(8-1)




(제 맛집 블로그에용 놀러오세용 ㅎㅎ)


토니이츠얼랏 : 네이버 블로그

너무너무너무 많이 먹는 토니입니당 :)




