Create a .pem key from aws

ssh-add ~/downloads/ssh_taewon/MyKeyPair.pem

chmod 400 mykeypair.pem


Create a .ppk to connect to filezilla

on mac use this command : 

puttygen mykeypair.pem -o mykepair.ppk


filezilla -> 

select sftp protocol and select key file, and then browse to your created .ppk file.


To run a project on ec2 server, you need to do the following:

1. connect to ec2 instance

sudo ssh -i /users/taewon/downloads/ssh_taewon/mykeypair.pem


2. download tomcat

sudo yum list tomcat*

sudo yum install tomcat7-webapps.noarch

sudo service tomcat7 start


3. put a war project into accessible folder and by command, move it to /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps+

4. start a server

service tomcat7 start


5. check the log

tail -f catalina.out


6. when starting the server, if project placed right, it should automatically unzip.

7. allow access for your ip

8. when trying to access the site, type your ec2 ip address + port +/warprojectname/ + desinated start path



result : 






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