Three important properties control the space that surrounds each HTML element: padding, margin, and border.



css selection priority

class < id < inline style < !important


colors can be represented by 3 ways:

color name ex. color: red;

hexdeciaml ex. color: #ff0000; (red green blue, two placement per color)

rgb(0,0,0) method ex. color: rgb(255, 0, 0);


you can create css variable by following:

--penguin-skin : gray;


can apply created css variable by :

background-color : var(--penguin-skin);


To make use of inheritance, CSS variables are often defined in the :root element.


(not sure) add this to resize, redecorate css according to size:

 @media (max-width: 350px) {

    :root {


      /* add code below */

      --penguin-size: 200px;

      --penguin-skin: black;

      /* add code above */




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